About Balthazar
Here you will find all information about Balthazar as a company, our mission, our pedagogy and our history.

Our remit
Scientific discoveries underlie almost all human development over the centuries and the more of us there are on the planet, the more vital it is that there are new, curious explorers able to solve the problems of the future. This is why Balthazar Science Center was created as a meeting place where visitors of all ages can find inspiration together on everything to do with science, technology and creativity on their own terms. Who knows, maybe some of the Nobel prize winners of tomorrow will start their research career at Balthazar!

Our teaching approach – fun-filled learning
Balthazar’s tried and tested teaching philosophy is based on the concept of learning through play. Our guides are used to students of all ages, with a wide range of existing knowledge. And it works for everyone!
Many teachers are positively surprised by the creativity of their students and how their interest in science and technology is spurred on by a visit to Balthazar.

Our children are the most important thing we have and this is exactly why the Balthazar Science Center exists. By celebrating knowledge and inspiring the joy of discovery we are helping to create the engaged citizens of the future.
Our role as a community actor means that sustainability isn’t sealed off in a department of its own or a separate point on the agenda. Social, economic and ecological sustainability are simply taken for granted and fundamental to everything that happens at Balthazar, not least in our educational programmes. When art, science and creativity come together, we pave the way for the sustainable development of our entire world.
Inspiration and creativity know no bounds. This is why we want to reach out to as many people as possible, also to those who might not find their way to us on their own. Here everyone must feel included, where age, sex, ethnicity and disability are no obstacle to joyful learning and personal development.
Naturally we are also working constantly to make our own operations increasingly sustainable. Work is progressing full steam ahead on environmental certification, we solely use renewable energy, the coffee we serve is Fair Trade and climate offset, our ingredients are organic and so on.
Only by being a role model ourselves can we make a genuine difference.
We are a part of the Stepping up Sustainability, West Sweden’s joint initiative for sustainable tourism.

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